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Exchange studies

Exchange studies offer you the possibility to study part of your programme at a partner university that is linked to Malmö Academy of Music or Lund University.

Kvinnlig utbytesstudent tittar in i kameran på en trafikerad gata. Foto.

Who can apply for exchange studies?

Anyone studying in one of the Malmö Academy of Music's programmes can apply for exchange studies as long as you fulfil the eligibility requirements. You must:

  • have studied at least 60 ECTS at Malmö Academy of Music already. Exceptions apply to Master's students in the Performance and Church Music programmes, where 30 ECTS are sufficient.
  • be an active student, registered for full-time studies at Malmö Academy of Music.
  • be able to present a study plan that includes courses equivalent to full-time studies and that can be credited towards a degree at Lund University.
  • have the required language skills in the language of instruction.
  • not have more then 7.5 unfinished ECTS.
Method of selection
  1. The student with the most completed courses will be ranked the highest
  2. Applicants who have not been on an exchange before are given priority
  3. Purpose of the exchange (motivation letter)
  4. Lottery

Feel free to discuss the exchange with your teachers at Malmö Academy of Music as they often have international contacts and can give you guidance when choosing a school. You must also talk to your Programme Coordinator who, together with the Programme Director, decides if you eligible for an exchange.

As a student at the Performance programmes in Music and Church Music you can study abroad during the following periods:

  • Bachelor's programme, semester 3, 4 or 5
  • Master's programme, semester 3

In general, it is not possible to study abroad during the last term of the programme.

As a student at the Music Teacher Training programme, you can apply for an exchange when you start:

  • Semester 5, 6 or 7, if you want to do an exchange during one semester within Subject 2.
  • Semester 5 and 6 if you want to do an exchange during one or two semesters within Subject 2.

You can choose up to five universities you want to go to.

Admission rounds

You apply in spring or autumn, depending on where you want to go. Malmö Academy of Music has three different types of agreement; universitywide agreements (apply to all of Lund University), Malmö Academy of Music's own internal agreements and Erasmus+ Agreements.

Exchanges applied for in Autumn

In autumn you can apply to Lund University's universitywide agreements which are three partner universities outside of Europe.

The application period for University of California (UC) is 1 – 15 November. For the other partner universities, the application period is 16 October – 15 November. The application is made in SoleMove, Lund University's application system for exchange studies.

Please note that you have to be nominated for an exchange by Malmö Academy of Music before you apply directly to the partner university. 

Go to SoleMove

Exchanges applied for in Spring

In spring you can apply for Erasmus+ (exchange studies at partner universities within Europe) as well as Malmö Academy of Music's internal agreements (exchange studies at partner universities outside of Europe). If the host country is within the EU, you also have the opportunity to apply for an Erasmus+ scholarship.

The duration of the exchange can last between 3 – 12 months, one or two semesters. The application deadline varies from university to university. After talking to your teacher and the International Coordinator, you make an application in SoleMove, Lund University's application system for exchange studies. Deadline for the SoleMove application is 5 February.

Go to SoleMove

Search among universities you apply for in Spring 

How to proceed

Universitywide agreements (outside of Europe)

  • Complete your application in SoleMove, the application system for exchange studies at Lund University.
  • When your application has been approved in SoleMove you will be nominated to the partner university.
  • A coordinator at External Relations at Lund University will help you with your application. 

Go to SoleMove

Guide to SoleMove (PDF 2.6MB - new window)

Erasmus+ and Malmö Academy of Music's own internal agreements 

  • Decide which partner universities you are interested in (you can choose a maximum of five). Check their application deadlines.
  • Apply through SoleMove, the application system for exchange studies at Lund University.
  • When your application has been approved in SoleMove you will be nominated to the partner university.
  • You can now proceed with your application directly in the partner university's own application system.

Go to SoleMOVE

Guide to SoleMOVE (PDF 2.6MB - new window)

The application in SoleMove must contain the following:

Study plan  

find out which courses are available for exchange students and check that you have the entry requirements. Talk to your Programme Coordinator and make sure that the courses can be credited towards your degree. You will find all searchable courses on the partner university's website in SoleMove.

Study plan / Studieplan (PDF 295 kB, new window)

Statement of purpose – a personal motivation letter where you highlight why you should be accepted to do an exchange. Describe how the experience will help you in your future professional life and in your personal development. Also motivate why you want to study at the particular university you have chosen. The text must be written in English and be no longer than one page. 

Go to SoleMOVE

Guide to SoleMOVE (PDF 2.6MB - new window)

Depending on the university you want to apply to, the application might vary some, but they usually include:

  • Application including a Study plan
  • Audition video – a recording of around 15–20 minutes showing your musical and technical competence
  • Transcript of records – you obtain this from Studentportalen or Ladok
  • Motivation letter – a personal letter where you explain why you want to study abroad and why you want to go to the university you have chosen.
  • CV – some partner universities require a Curriculum Vitae. You can use the European Union website Europass to create one.
  • Letter of recommendation - some partner universities require a letter of recommendation from your teacher.
  • Language test – some partner universities require a language test. Via Folkuniversitetet's website you can take one for free.  

Create a CV with Europass

Take a free language test at Folkuniversitetet's website

Swedish exchange students are insured through Kammarkollegiet's group insurance, 'Student UT'.

The insurance begins to apply two weeks before the study period and ends two weeks after the study period. The insurance only applies in the country where you are going to study and to direct travel there and back.

If you are going on an exchange to an EU country, you should also obtain the European health insurance card via the Swedish Social Insurance Agency.

Read more about Kammarkollegiet's group insurance, Student UT

Exchange agreements between universities means that there is an agreement in place which makes it possible for exchange students (and teachers) to spend a semester or two abroad. The agreement guarantees that the tuition is free of charge but you do need to pay for other expenses, like travel and accommodation. Most students fund their exchange period with grants and loans from CSN – the Swedish Board of Student Finance.

Read more about CSN

Do not forget to apply for scholarships! Anyone who is accepted for an Erasmus+ exchange (and Nordplus too) can apply for an Erasmus+ scholarship.

Read more about applying for an Erasmus+ scholarship (LU)

Do not wait too long to look for accommodation. Check your chosen partner university's webpage, or contact their International Coordinator, to see if they offer accommodation for exchange students, or if you need to sort this out on your own. 

If you are interested in renting out your own room/flat to incoming students while you are away, please contact the International Coordinator at Malmö Academy of Music, who will provide you with more information. If you are lucky, there might be an incoming student from the partner university where you are going, with whom you can switch accommodation directly during your exchange.

Extracurricular International Opportunities for students at LU

"Extracurricular International Opportunities for students at LU" is a Canvas page with information about international opportunities for students at Lund University, such as virtual exchanges, short exchanges, webinars and travel scholarships. Throughout the academic year, new activities are published so do not forget to turn on the notifications to get the latest updates. 

Log in to Canvas to see and register for current opportunities

Become an international mentor

Lund University welcomes over 3 500 international students every year. The International Mentor Programme aims to facilitate the students' adaptation to their new environment. As an international mentor, you will to meet students from all over the world and get to know new people.

Read more about the International Mentor Programme (LU)

Take a SAS course together with international students in Lund

Read more about SAS courses (LU)

Transcript of Records
Before you return home from your exchange university, it is important that you receive your Transcript of Records. This is necessary for us to be able to validate your exchange studies as part of your programme at Malmö Music Academy. Usually the exchange university sends the Transcript of Records directly to the International Coordinator at Malmö Music Academy, but sometimes it is sent to the student, or you need to download it from a database.

Travel Report
Before entering your ECTS in Ladok, we would like you to write a short travel report about your time abroad. You upload the travel report on LU Travel Reports, preferably together with some photos.

Internationell mentor at Malmö Academy of Music

You also have the opportunity to get involved as an international mentor for incoming exchange students. This means that you help them feel at home at the academy, but also in Malmö and Lund. The majority of our incoming students only stay during the autumn semester, so that is when you are needed the most.

You get paid for 30 hours that you spread out over the autumn semester and at the beginning of the spring semester. For each new autumn semester, we are looking for two students and it is an advantage if you have been an exchange student yourself, but it is not a requirement. The main thing is that you are interested in taking care of our exchange students in the best possible way.

Please contact the International Coordinator at Malmö Academy of Music if you are interested in being a mentor.

Summer courses abroad

Are you interested in doing an exchange but do not want to be away for an entire semester? Then a summer course abroad might be the right option for you. Taking a summer course abroad does not affect your opportunities to go on a regular exchange during the rest of the academic year.

Read more about summer courses abroad (LU)


Iveri Kekenadze Gustafsson
International Coordinator
iveri [dot] kekenadze_gustafsson [at] eu [dot] lu [dot] se (iveri[dot]kekenadze_gustafsson[at]eu[dot]lu[dot]se)

Do you want to be an ambassador?

Student ler mot kameran på en gata i Berlin. Foto.

Instagram takeover
Do you want to share your everyday life abroad on Lund University's or Malmö Academy of Music's Instagram account?
Please contact:

  • MHM - Amelie Malmgren
  • LU - lunduniversityabroad [at] er [dot] lu [dot] se (The Exchange Ambassadors)

Student Ambassador
When you go on exchange studies to one of our partner universities, you are one of Lund University's most important representatives and our face to the outside world.

Read more about being a student ambassador (LU)