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Your personal schedule in TimeEdit gives you a complete view of the school's centrally planned schedule as well as the room bookings you have made yourself. By starting a subscription in TimeEdit, you can also view your schedule in a digital calendar.

Find a schedule in TimeEdit 

1. Start by logging in with your Lucat ID:

Log in for Staff
Log in for Students

2. Choose Lund University as organisation.
3. Click on 'K-fakultet – studenter på MHM och THM'.
4. Log in with your Lucat-ID.
5. Select 'MHM schema för studenter (läsår)'.

  • If you want to see your individual schedule, select 'student' or 'personal'
  • If you want to see the schedule for a student group, select 'studentgrupp'
  • If you want to see your teacher's schedule, select 'personal'
  • If you want to see your student's schedule, select 'student'
  • If you want to see how a room is booked, select 'lokal'

6. Enter the student, student group (group number), staff or room you want to search for in the box next to the drop-down menu.
7. Your selection will automatically end up under the heading 'Sökresultat' (search results).
8. Select what you want to see from the list under 'Sökresultat' by clicking on it. The selected object will automatically end up under 'Mina val' (my selections). You can choose to select one object or a combination of different objects.
9. Click on 'Visa schema' (show schedule).

Add a subscription to your digital calendar

  • Click on 'Subscribe' in the upper right part of the TimeEdit page.
  • Set a time span for the subscription.
  • Copy the link (the top one for Android/Google and the lower one for iOS/OS X/iCal).


  • Sign in to your Google Account, for example, via Gmail. 
  • Go to the calendar via the app icon. You find it  next to the login button.
  • In the left column of the calendar view you will find 'Other calendars'. Click on the arrow and select 'Add a URL'.
  • Paste the link and click Add Calendar.


  • Open the iCal calendar application. 
  • Select 'New Calendar Subscription' from the File menu.
  • Paste the link, and click on 'Subscribe'.
  • You are now given the option to change how often your calendar should be updated. Choose your preference and click OK.

Good to know about the schedule at Malmö Academy of Music

  • Keep yourself updated! There may be small changes in the schedule during the academic year.
  • Make sure to look at the entire academic year when you are planning your individual lessons. The schedule may differ from term to term.
  • Everyone can see their schedule from 1st July (except first-year students in the Music Teacher Training Programme, who can see their schedule about two weeks before the start of the term).


schema [at] mhm [dot] lu [dot] se (schema[at]mhm[dot]lu[dot]se)
