Johanna Antonsson
Doctoral student
Assessing and grading music in Swedish compulsory schools
Summary, in English
In 2011, a new curriculum was implemented in the Swedish comprehensive school, Läroplan för grundskolan samt för förskoleklassen och fritidshemmet, Lgr 11, which meant new syllabi and a new grading system. Students from year 6-9 were to be graded on a scale ranging from A-F (Skolverket, 2020a). The qualifying points each grade signify are then used when applying to upper secondary school and thus influence chances of reaching educational and career goals. When the new curriculum was implemented it promised to improve equality in grading. However, critics argue that Swedish compulsory schoolteachers still do not assess and grade equivalently. With a social constructionistic perspective the aim of my PhD project is to attempt to aid music teachers in assessment and grading processes. The methods of data production are individual and group interviews with music teachers and preservice music teachers about assessment and grading and what their ideal process would be. Official documents are also part of the data material. The concept of teachers’ visions (Hammerness, 2006) is a point of departure. Methods for analysis will be systematic functional grammar (Holmberg & Karlsson, 2019; Holmberg, Karlsson & Nord, 2011 and the concept of intertextuality (Winther Jørgensen & Phillips, 2000). With the first part of data production concluded, the findings indicate a greater need for collaboration between music teachers, a finding that should call the attention of municipalities, universities and other stakeholders to facilitating cooperation between music teachers as their profession is often a solitary one.
- Teachers (Malmö Academy of Music)
Publishing year
Full text
Document type
Conference paper: abstract
- Pedagogy
- Music
- Bedömning
- Betygsättning
- Musikpedagogik
- Läroplan
- Grundskola
- Music education
- Assessment
- Grading
- Compulsory school
Conference name
NERA 2021
Conference date
2021-11-03 - 2021-11-05
Conference place
Odense, Denmark