Doktorand i musikpedagogik
Kulturskolan har de senare åren gått mer från individuell undervisning till gruppundervisning. Det finns behov av musikpedagogisk forskning kring hur gruppundervisning kan relatera till och ge utrymme för demokrati- och värdegrundsfrågor. I fokus för studien står den ”balansakt” mellan sociala och musikaliska mål som musiklärare måste hantera och hur detta yttrar sig i gruppundervisning i musik. Projektets syfte är således att undersöka gruppundervisning i kulturskolan med fokus på vilka verktyg musiklärare använder för att stärka det demokratiska arbetet inom kulturskolans instrumentala gruppundervisning. Hur arbetar musiklärare med både instrumentteknisk progression och inkludering i gruppundervisning?
In English
The Swedish Arts and Music School (SAMS) have had a shift in teaching from individual lessons, with one teacher and one student, to group classes. There is a need for music education research about how group teaching can relate to and give room for democracy and values. The focus of the study is the "balancing act" between social and musical goals that music teachers must deal with and how this is expressed in group teaching in music. The aim of the project is to investigate group teaching in SAMS with a focus on what tools music teachers use to strengthen the democratic work within the cultural school's instrumental group teaching. How do music teachers work with both instrumental progression and inclusion in group teaching?
Visar av publikationer. Sorterade efter år och sen titel.
'It all depends on the pupils': : A survey study of classical instrumental music teachers' perceptions of group teaching in Sweden
Ida Knutsson
(2024) Nordic Research in Music Education, 5 p.193-223
Artikel i tidskriftThe 2030 Agenda: The potential of Sweden’s art and music schools to achieve the 17 Sus- tainable Development Goals
Ida Knutsson
(2024) Finnish Journal of Music Education, 01 p.26-41
Artikel i tidskriftInsider as outsider - Stimulated recall for teacher reflection
Ida Knutsson
(2024) , p.516-516
Konferensbidrag: abstractLearning classical instruments in a group setting: Swedish art and music school teachers' strategies for collective and individual progression
Ida Knutsson
(2023) Finnish Journal of Music Education, 26 p.10-23
Artikel i tidskriftWhy refraining from academic flying may not be the best career move : My personal opinion of a professional dilemma
Ida Knutsson
WebbpublikationPolicy and practice in Swedish art and music schools
Ida Knutsson
(2023) , p.23-23
Konferensbidrag: abstractAgenda 2030 and education: the potential value of Art and Music Schools
Ida Knutsson
Konferensbidrag: abstractChallenges and tension fields in classical instrumental group tuition: interviews with Swedish Art and Music School teachers
Ida Knutsson
(2023) British Journal of Music Education, 40 p.168-180
Artikel i tidskriftWhat Swedish instrumental music teachers talk about when talking about group tuition
Ida Knutsson
(2022) , p.1-6
Konferens - annatChallenges and Tension Fields in the Swedish School of Arts and Music
Ida Knutsson
Konferens - annatInvestigating the balance between social inclusion and musical progression: Stimulated recall as a method for data collection
Ida Knutsson
Konferens - annatBalancing the dual aims of inclusion and progression of group tuition in the Swedish arts and music schools
Ida Knutsson
Konferens - annatMotstånd och acceptans : En studie om Suzukimetoden ur ett sociokulturellt perspektiv
Ida Knutsson